Implementation: participatory discussion, mind mapping, group assignment

Requirements: whiteboard/flipchart with markers

How to:

Step one: Participants create a mind map of the ingredients they need to prepare the selected dish, dividing them in categories (fruit, vegetables, cereals, dairy, meat, fish, spices, other).

Step two: Participants are then divided into groups to review the selection.

Step three: The facilitator distributes the recipe to each group for them to compare what they identified with what is required.

Step four: Groups then share their feedback, provide recommendations how to make use of seasonal and budget-saving materials, as well as share experience with preparing similar dishes.

Step five: The facilitator assigns the ingredients each participant will be responsible for supplying.

Example one:

Vegetarians will be highly aware of seasonal materials and it will be easier for them to come up with ingredients for dishes containing fruit or vegetables.

Example two:

The preparation of a dish that does not require cooking will be time-saving, but not necessary include less ingredients. It will be although easier to organise the cooking space (room).

Learning outcomes:

  • identifying which seasonal ingredients are available to prepare the selected dish
  • developing listening skills, persuasion skills and verbal communication
  • developing persuasion skills
  • developing verbal communication